Ffxiv screenshots
Ffxiv screenshots

Then choose either Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3. Select the "Light" button on left side, and then turn on either Light #1, #2, or #3. When inside Gpose, the first thing to do is to fine-tune the lightning. The background will automatically be blurred when you enter Gpose mode. You can drag that button to your hotbar too). Now press the actual " Gpose" button to get into Gpose mode (To find that button, press "P" on keyboard, and then click the "Extra" tab. Because a lot of times, we are not aware that we've used certain actions, and when we activate Gpose, those will immediately be repeatedly executed in Gpose, which can be annoying at times. Sit down (type /sit) to cancel any action or emote that would have automatically brought into Gpose. Day time usually is a lot easier to take good screenshots (kinda similar to real life when taking photos under the sun!). Start off by choosing a nice background, and make sure the weather is right. Drag it onto your hotbar for easy access.

ffxiv screenshots

Press "P" on keyboard and then click "Extra" to find the Gpose button. That's really too much flattering of my screenshots! I'm very much a noob myself in taking screenshots, and programs like ReShade are simply too technical and too difficult for me! I won't be able to handle it! LOL!


I've been asked a few times about how to take good screenshots, and some people even said I have used programs such as ReShade to create screenshots. 0 votes Novice Guide for Taking Screenshots with Gpose

Ffxiv screenshots