Advance wars by web co powers
Advance wars by web co powers

While acting similarly to an HQ in every regard, it only ever appears in 2 player maps. There are also 'center' tiles used if one wanted a river width of greater than 2 tiles. In the second screenshot, it shows both the north to south, south to north, east to west and west to east variants. There are a complete collection of multi-tile rivers in the tileset, but only the North/South ones in Lost River are used in the game. "湖" in the Info Panel indicates lake in Kanji character.

advance wars by web co powers

It may also have placeholder information as an alternate naval tile. The minimap sprites indicate it may have been intended to be placed under Black Hole inventions. A player will still lose if any of their HQs are captured, however.Īn unused terrain which the detailed information panel claims is sea. Capturing a Neutral HQ will give that player an additional HQ of their own. As the power is unreferenced, he gains just the standard defence boost of 10% with no stat boosts unlike the variants in both games. It works the same as the Super CO Power version in terms of targeting and merely does 4HP damage. Not normally usable and completely unreferenced in terms of pointers, it is fully functional.


The table for this ability remains (for clear weather, snow and rain respectively) but has been overwritten by a duplicate of the standard movement charts for other COs.Įxisting in the code is a complete version of Vs Sturm's Advance Wars CO Power - A meteor strike that does 4HP of damage. In Advance Wars, Sami's Double Time CO Power gave Infantry and Mech units the ability to ignore movement penalties on all unfavorable terrain. Similar to Drake's ability that increases the likelihood of rain in random weather conditions, a table entry exists for each CO that allows for an increased chance of snow to occur in random weather, which is completely functional. It is unused with no in-game COs that have variable defence boosts, but it is fully functional. Like Colin's Super CO Power and Kindle's Super CO Power in the sequel, which give a variable firepower bonus, an equivalent function exists for application of variable defence bonuses. Unused Commanding Officer Abilities Variable Defence Function

advance wars by web co powers

These entries appear to reference the save file delete function.īacking up saves was possible with the dev builds, possibly. These start at approximately 0x90F20 in the (U) Version. Most appear to be leftovers from translating COs names and game functions. There are numerous text strings lying about in the US version of the game.

  • 8.1 Shark Straight & Royal Channel Pre-Deployed Units.
  • 7.2 Nell's Scolding Map Editor Dialogue.
  • advance wars by web co powers

    My playing YoYo games with the battleships gave me control of the center, and using an Aircraft carrier as a midpoint for my Transports gives me an additional staging point for safety for bringing my infantry in, as you couldn't target the Transports while they were docked on the Carrier. Battleships can't target Air, as soon as all possible targets were removed, I could easily move them to the right for support in clearing your ranged units. With this you could have cleared the area for your Tanks to move in quickly.Īlso the fact that you chose to spawn some Copters over land units kinda was a fault for the Center.

    advance wars by web co powers

    With this, your recon action was a good choice for a forerunner but after it should have been some rockets and perhaps some airsupport. It was an interesting attack on the right there, but none the less when it came down to it, putting your Tank to the front was a bad move. You had control of the center for a while there, but you chose to focus on air over sea, leading to the fact you can easily lose that zone. I thought it would be a very interesting map to try out some basic zone control. Thats the trick with this map, you need to know where the chockpoints are and where to lead away the attention of your opponent.

    Advance wars by web co powers