Magicdraw uml tutorial
Magicdraw uml tutorial

magicdraw uml tutorial

magicdraw uml tutorial


STEP #1 Define main CVS options 9-61 STEP #2 Check out from scratch a new module on your disk 9-62 STEP #3 Add project to CVS 9-62 STEP #4 Commit project to CVS after making changes 9-63 STEP #5 Update CVS project 9-64ġ0USING TEAMWORK SERVER 11INTEGRATION WITH ECLIPSE STEP #1 Create a new code engineering set 8-57 STEP #2 Add data you wish to generate 8-57 STEP #3 Generate code 8-58 STEP #4 Edit generated source 8-59 STEP #5 Reverse modified source code 8-59 STEP#1 Open Stereotypes tab 5-41 STEP#2 Open Profiles dialog box, Stereotypes tab 5-42 STEP#3 Choose an icon for the stereotype 5-43 STEP#4 Suppress attributes and operations 5-44Ħ DATA PARTITIONING 6-47STEP #1 Export a new Module 6-47 STEP #2 Open module as a new project 6-49 STEP #3 Reload the module 6-49ħ PERFORMING ROUND TRIP 7-51STEP#1 Add elements to the newly created code engineering set 7-51 STEP#2 Generate code 7-52 STEP#3 Add a new LuggageException class to the model 7-53 STEP#4 Create class element in the project using reverse 7-55 STEP#5 Separate luggage into two types 7-55 STEP #1 Create classes in the browser 3-23 STEP #2 Create sequence diagram 3-23 STEP #3 Create classifier roles 3-24 STEP #4 Link classiefier roles with call messages 3-25 STEP #5 Draw a return message 3-26 STEP #6 Draw messages from the same point 3-27 STEP #7 Complete reservation system diagram 3-28Ĥ JAVA REVERSE TO SEQUENCE DIAGRAM 4-31STEP #1 Create code engineering set 4-31 STEP #2 Create sequence diagram from java source 4-33 STEP #3 Extend sequence diagram by method 4-37 TABLE OF CONTENTS1 MAGICDRAW BASICS 1-5STEP #1 Create a class diagram 1-5 STEP #2 Create a new class element in diagram 1-7 STEP #3 Create package element in diagram 1-9 STEP #4 Create new class element from browser 1-11 STEP #5 Draw relationships 1-11 STEP #6 Presentation options 1-13 STEP #7 Browser options 1-13Ģ APPLYING DIFFERENT COLORS 2-15 3 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM CREATION 3-23

Magicdraw uml tutorial